Born in the small Polish city of Rzeszów during the last gasp of the Communist era, Slota immigrated with his family to the United States when he was nine years old. Much of Slota’s fascination with constructed violence, the border between actual physical harm and calculated risk, makes a kind of sense – he was raised in two worlds, one obsessed with order and obedience, the other fascinated by, and teeming with artificial, and highly entertaining, mayhem.
– RM Vaughan
My multidisciplinary practice consists of performance, sound, and digital art, presented in both the public sphere and art spaces. The work addresses the construct of the public persona, the cult of personality that often results, and the underlying motivations of such individuals. I also attempt to disarm systemic and interpersonal violence by mocking it and deploying absurd artistic strategies against it.
In my performances I’m often seeking an intimate connection with the public, simultaneously complicating that intimacy with an uncomfortable and awkward atmosphere. I draw people close by sharing personal stories, gifts, or food, while at the same time revealing the ugly side of personal interactions, filled with power plays, unpleasant innuendos, and literal dirt. I attempt to create a space of tension and imbalance between the audience and myself, a gesture that complicates the reading of my intentions.
Click to download “Place I Can’t Go” 3D game
Portfolio PDF | Vimeo | Instagram | Facebook | Soundcloud
email: | tel: (+49) 0163 629 2473
I’m a member of bbk berlin and the Association for Performance Art in Berlin
Commercial photography Website, Instagram